In 2024 one of my goals, beyond educating people about military research, especially to honor the 80th Anniversary o
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Sacred Dialogues. Navigating the Spirit World - Ancestors, Angels and Guides
50 years ago today, shortly after midnight, a fire raged at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri, destroying vast numbers of Army and Army Air Force/Air Force Official Military...
because of war. Families at home also suffered, often quietly. Have you explored the grief and mental health of your family due to war or the loss of a family member to war? This is applicable to bo...
Many of us carry the remnants of our ancestors' war traumas and don't even know it. The traumas, energies, behaviors, and patterns may show up in very decontextualized ways through triggers, relatio...
Do the ghosts of war haunt your family? They have mine and many clients I have worked with over the years. The ghosts sometimes appear as an energy of grief and depression that hangs over the family f...
In my almost 30 years as a genealogical researcher, historian, and military researcher, I have often heard researchers talk about genealogy serendipity. Or how they sensed their ancestor wanted them ...
"Our ancestors' experiences shaped us, but their strength and resilience can also inspire us to heal and grow." - Anonymous
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about forgiveness. For myself, family...
Healing is like peeling an onion. You go layer by layer. The same applies to locating information for our family history or doing our ancestral healing. I invite you to ask yourself, 'Am I skimming th...