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July 12, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the fire that destroyed thousands of Army and Army Air Force and Air Force Official Military Personnel Files at the National Personn...
I've been writing about my journey of moving on and letting go.....as it relates to my former marriage to a Dutch man and the ancestral patterns we lived. Some patterns are still playing out just with...
Take the first step towards telling YOUR story of transformation.
Are you seeking a writing community in which you can share your writing projects, be held accountable for your goals & deadlines, rec...
Have you asked the hard or uncomfortable questions about your female ancestor? Do you ask family members for the stories that are not kind? Have you only heard negative stories about certain family me...
This morning on my Instagram account @coffeewithmyancestors, I gave another journal prompt. I do this during the week often asking questions you normally do not see in family history writing books.
Today on my Instagram account for @coffeewithmyancestors, I gave a writing prompt on FEAR. I asked the question, What are you afraid of?
This is a question I ask myself often and the answer always s...
There is a process to letting go of the stories that disempower us and hold us back. That process is different for everyone. After having spent years in my own stories and moving through depression an...
Stories can disempower or empower us.
Stories can change us.
Stories can destroy us.
Stories can save us.
Stories have the ability to provide answers, closure, release, and healing.
Those state...