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The Importance of Holding Space ancestral healing collective trauma energy healing psychology teenagers young adults Aug 23, 2022

Humans have forgotten how to hold space for others without judgement. The media has done a tremendous job the last 2.5 years of psychologically manipulating once kind people into bullies. Do you...

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Book Review: Emotional Inheritance ancestral lineage healing energy healing epigenetics holocaust inherited trauma mental health psychology soul growth wwii Jun 10, 2022

The last few years I have read so many books and studied with many teachers in the areas of inherited trauma, collective trauma, ancestral healing and it never ceases to amaze me how deep we can go...

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Book Review: Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life alfred hoche book review euthanasia hitler holocaust karl binding law mental health mental illness nazi germany nuremburg trials psychiatry psychology t4 program tuskegee wwii Jan 25, 2022

The last two years of pandemic have invited all of us to question what we think we know. Question who is actually in charge of (fill in your blank). Question our beliefs, behaviors, patterns,...

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