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50th Anniversary of the NPRC Fire 50th anniversary nprc fire czech genealogy national personnel records center 1973 fire nprc fire research a veteran veterans wwii Jul 12, 2023

50 years ago today, shortly after midnight, a fire raged at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri, destroying vast numbers of Army and Army Air Force/Air Force Official Military...

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They Never Got to Say Goodbye ancestral healing family patterns genealogy inherited trauma research a veteran veterans Aug 16, 2022

Have you always been able to say goodbye to the people you loved? People with whom you had strong energetic connections or were in significant relationships? What happened when you never had the chanc...

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Faces of War Webinar Series czech genealogy family history month family history month 2021 genealogy education military research research a veteran veterans webinar wwii Sep 28, 2021

Starting Monday, 4 October 2021, I'm offering a three-night webinar series, Faces of War. Through three webinars, learn strategies & records needed to do WWII research even if the records burned!...

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Writing to the Ancestors Webinar ancestors channeled writing genealogy genealogy education genealogy writing inherited trauma journal prompts journaling meditation mental health military research veterans Sep 02, 2021

I have a new webinar in September to help you learn how to connect with your ancestors.

Writing to the Ancestors


Explore some basic ways to tap into what your ancestors have to say th...

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What's Wrong With Daddy? Webinar collective trauma dna genealogy genealogy education history home front inherited trauma mental health military research military writing multigenerational trauma ptsd veterans veterans administration veterans administration hospital vietnam wwii wwii home front Sep 01, 2021

I have a new webinar in September to help you explore the effects of war on our veterans and family. What was kept in silence post-WWII (or any war) has a tremendous impact on us through inherited or ...

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New Webinar Series for September! Coffee With My Ancestors ancestral lineage healing consciousness genealogy genealogy education home front mental health military research ptsd veterans webinar wwii Aug 27, 2021

I'm so excited to announce a new series of webinars, Coffee With My Ancestors

Do you ever wish you could sit down at the table with a cup of coffee or tea and speak with your ancestors who have pas...

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August - November Ancestral Cafe Membership Programs ancestral cafe genealogy inherited trauma military research veterans wwii Jul 17, 2021

Have you joined the Ancestral Cafe Membership program yet?

Each month I will teach live on a new topic, resource, or teach a new skill. A replay will be available in the product. I will begin with f...

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Family Secrets & Patterns After World War II family patterns genealogy inherited trauma veterans wwii Jun 07, 2021

We are living through a period of years where many things are coming to the light that were previously hidden in the darkness. It will be up to each of us to choose whether or not to look at these thi...

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