New Program Available - Circle of Influence
Aug 07, 2023
Saturday 12 August I'm speaking for the Genealogy Study Group of West Michigan.
We've heard of the FAN concept in genealogy - Friends, Associates, and Neighbors - as a way to locate genealogical records to prove the "John Smith" in the records is or is not your John Smith. Have you ever considered using this concept another way to help you identify why an ancestor was the way they were or carried certain patterns?
Using case studies, in this new program we will explore the FAN concept with an added F for FAMILY and create the web of who was involved in an ancestor's life or even your own, that influence who you became, the beliefs, behaviors and patterns lived and possibly any traumas that may have been passed down.
Email me at [email protected] to book this program for your organization. Be sure to view all possible programs and schedule your organizations 80th Anniversary of D-Day military programming today!