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You might be wondering what a love story has to do with World War II research. The answer is simple. The story came out of the research. Only it didn’t. And then, it did.
Pick up any writing guide to...
Are you writing your military or personal stories and need a fresh set of eyes on your project? A developmental editor might be just what you need!
One of the areas I shine in is seeing what’s missin...
March is Women’s History Month. A month in which we honor the women in our families, communities, and the world. How are you honoring the women in your family who lived during World War II? It doesn’t...
As you research your military service member from World War I, World War II, Korea, or Vietnam, ask yourself these questions. Is that where your exploration ends? You only research the military servic...
Have you ever uttered the words…..
“genealogy serendipity” or commented on the fact your ancestors or spirit guides or “something” gave you exactly the record you needed to break down a brick wall? H...
Timelines are a tool every genealogist uses, even when they do not consciously use it. A timeline is created on an Ancestry Family Tree or in a genealogy database as we add facts about an ancestor. Mo...
 A little background.......Â
I have been a genealogical research for over 25 years. In 2010 I started a business which after a couple years shifted to 99% WWI/WWII/Korea/Vietnam military research, wr...
The last two years of pandemic have invited all of us to question what we think we know. Question who is actually in charge of (fill in your blank). Question our beliefs, behaviors, patterns, judgment...