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Stories from the Battlefield Seminar genealogy education seminar vietnam wwii zeeland michigan Jun 22, 2022

I'm excited to announce I'm giving a full-day military research seminar in Zeeland, Michigan on 27 August 2022! Would you like to join this live event?

A Few Details

Have you wondered what happened...

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Did You Assume The War Had Zero Impact On Your Veteran? genealogy inherited trauma korean war vietnam wwii Jun 16, 2022

 A common misconception I’ve heard from family members and clients about veterans who did not have an active combat role during their military service (war-time or not), was that the war...

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Veteran Experiences We Often Ignore 102nd division 406th infantry regiment 94th infantry division czech genealogy czech republic genealogy research a veteran wwii Jun 14, 2022

What happened to your veteran when they served as an occupation force in Europe when the war ended? What about the families of the other side? Have you ever thought about what happened to them?...

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Book Review: Emotional Inheritance ancestral lineage healing energy healing epigenetics holocaust inherited trauma mental health psychology soul growth wwii Jun 10, 2022

The last few years I have read so many books and studied with many teachers in the areas of inherited trauma, collective trauma, ancestral healing and it never ceases to amaze me how deep we can go...

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Writing Stories of War genealogy genealogy writing military writing women's history month Mar 24, 2022

Photographs. Letters. Military documents. Whispered family stories. Artifacts of war. Questions……so many questions and some answers. Your head is spinning and you are unsure where to...

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The Dead Have No Secrets spiritual writing Mar 23, 2022

The dead have no secrets.

Isn't it time for humanity to write their stories, be raw, vulnerable, and honest? To stop hiding the generations of, and recent, pain and secrets? To talk about...
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Womenโ€™s History Month: What Was Her Story? ancestry dna family history genealogy inherited trauma wwi wwii Mar 22, 2022

Have you asked the hard or uncomfortable questions about your female ancestor? Do you ask family members for the stories that are not kind? Have you only heard negative stories about certain family...

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The Healing Power of Stories ancestral lineage healing genealogy military research navy ptsd wwii Mar 21, 2022

My current title reads, Jennifer Holik spiritual coach and an intuitive healer specializing in inherited & war trauma, & personal & ancestral healing. I am also a military researcher,...

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